Player Evaluations and Intro to Skills on Saturday, August 24th
Volleyball Fall League
Aug. 24th – Oct. 2024
Player Registration • $279
Note: Non-Volunteer Buyout Fee ($40) why?
SoCal Elite’s 2024 Youth Volleyball Fall League is a perfect opportunity for your child to learn the fast-paced game of volleyball and play games against players with similar skill levels in a community-based environment.
- Boys & Girls: 4th–9th grade
- Dates: Saturdays Only (View Calendar of Events)
- Duration: 2 hours per Saturday
- Location: IUSD Gyms
- Includes: SoCal Elite Volleyball t-shirt
Our daughter has participated in both the volleyball league and monthly volleyball academy programs. She looks forward to practice each week - it is always the highlight of her week! The coaches are friendly and knowledgeable. Director/Head Trainer Tommy Vu is responsive to questions and is always there on the court with the kids. I highly recommend SoCal Elite for anyone whose kids are interested in learning and excelling in volleyball.
My 9th grader son has joined the volleyball weekly academy and the spring volleyball league with SoCal Elite Sports. My son has been enjoying the volleyball practice very much. I have seen his tremendous progress in playing volleyball now. I have found the coaches in SoCal Elite Sports are helpful and highly effective, especially the key coach, Brad.
Fall League Divisions
Division 3 (4th–5th Grade)
Boys & Girls
Beginner to intermediate players with instruction and pre-match practices.
Practices / Matches
- 2 hours each Saturday
- 7 Saturdays
- IUSD Indoor Gyms
Division 2 (6th–7th Grade)
Boys & Girls
Beginner to intermediate players with instruction and pre-match practices.
Practices / Matches
- 2 hours each Saturday
- 7 Saturdays
- IUSD Indoor Gyms
Division 1 (8th–9th Grade)
Boys & Girls
Beginner to intermediate players with instruction and pre-match practices.
Practices / Matches
- 2 hours each Saturday
- 7 Saturdays
- IUSD Indoor Gyms

About The League
Calendar of Events
* Tentative Dates (subject to change)
Thu, June 13th: Player registration opens
Fri, Aug. 23rd: Player registration closes
Sat, Aug. 24th: Player evaluations & introduction
Mon, Aug. 26th – Fri, Aug. 30th: Formation of teams
Tue, Sep. 3rd: Team rosters and schedules published
Sat, Sep. 7th: Week 1 – Practice/matches
Sat, Sep. 14th: Week 2 – Practice/matches
Sat, Sep. 21st: Week 3 – Practice/matches
Sat, Sep. 28th: Week 4 – Practice/matches
Sat, Oct. 5th: Week 5 – Practice/matches
Sat, Oct. 12th: Week 6 – Practice/matches
Sat, Oct. 19th: Week 7 – Championship Week
Player Evaluation Day gives SoCal Elite’s volleyball coaching staff an opportunity to observe each player’s volleyball ability and knowledge before teams are formed. Each registered player will go through a basic volleyball skill assessment that encompasses passing, setting, hitting, and serving.
After players are evaluated, teams will be formed internally to provide a competitive and fun experience for all players. Teams are coed and formed by dispersing talent as evenly as possible to ensure fairness – they are not limited by the number of boys or girls on each team.
Our volleyball league practices will be led by SoCal Elite’s volleyball coaching staff with the help of Parent Coach volunteers.
SoCal Elite is always looking for volunteer Parent Coaches for all seasonal leagues. If you are unable to, or do not want to, volunteer to help operate SoCal Elite’s volleyball leagues efficiently, you are required to pay a ‘buy-out fee’ to cover the cost of bringing on additional staff members.
Each week there will be a two-hour session for players to get an opportunity to practice and play scrimmages. Your whole division will practice together. After practice is over, your team will play a scheduled scrimmage against another team in your division. Depending on the division’s volleyball ability, there may be modifications to the games to provide the best experience.
Fall League
SoCal Elite’s Youth Volleyball Fall League is a recreational league for all boys and girls in 4th–9th grade. The 2023 Fall League runs from August thru October with six practices/matches. This league is for beginner, intermediate and anyone in-between those skill levels. Each division will practice together and play games/scrimmages each week. Teams will be formed based on skill level to provide each player with the best experience to develop their volleyball game.