Basketball Spring League

March 23rd – June 1st, 2025

Player Registration$299 $289

Note: Non-Volunteer Buyout Fee ($59) why?

Refund Policy

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Spring League is for players who wish to play beyond the main Winter League and stay active with organized basketball through the spring.

The League is for players of all skill and experience levels.

  • Boys: K–8th Grade
  • Girls: K–8th Grade
  • Day/Time: Sundays after 10:00 AM
  • Dates: View Calendar of Events
  • Season: 7 weeks
  • Location: Irvine & Tustin Gyms
Baraa K.

We started with SoCal Elite in the rec leagues and moved up to club basketball thereafter. All together, we’ve been with SoCal Elite for about 5 years. In the leagues and academy, SoCal Elite provided my son with the environment to work on his individual skills and fundamentals. Overall, I recommend SoCal Elite if your child is serious about basketball.

Rob S.

SoCal Elite has it all. Whether you’re looking for a rec league, a camp, weekly training or a club team, SoCal Elite has it covered. My son has been playing in SoCal Elite since kinder and started with the parent-coached rec league. That was was a great time coaching his teams for several years and seeing his growth as a player. So if you’re looking for a great way to bond with your kid, SoCal Elite has it.

Mike F.

My two boys played SoCal Elite basketball and really enjoyed it. I’ve been involved in other youth sports organizations but admittedly I don’t know much about basketball. They took the time to train me and educate me so I could help our team. It was always a great experience. Now that my boys are older, one of them is actually a referee for them. It’s a great organization.

Spring League Divisions

Rookie Divisions

Boys: K–1st Grade • Girls: K–2nd Grade

Beginner players with instruction and pregame practices. All games are played on 8-foot hoops. Each player is guaranteed 20 minutes of playing time per game and each team has up to 10 players max.


  • 6 practices/games guaranteed
  • Sundays after 10:00 AM
  • Practice + Game = 1.5 hours each week

Locations (Irvine & Tustin)

  • IUSD HS Gyms
  • TUSD HS Gyms (Tustin/Beckman)


  • BK (Kindergarten)
  • B1 (1st Grade)
  • GK–2 (Girls K–2nd) – May be split up based on numbers for standalone or combo divisions

Youth Divisions

Boys: 2nd–8th Grade • Girls: 3rd–8th Grade

Players looking for equal playing time and skill levels. Each player is guaranteed 20 minutes of playing time per game and each team has up to 10 players max.


  • 6-8 games
  • Sundays after 10:00 AM

Locations (Irvine & Tustin)

  • IUSD HS Gyms
  • TUSD HS Gyms (Tustin/Beckman)


  • B2 (2nd Grade) – 10-ft hoops
  • B3 (3rd Grade)
  • B4 (4th Grade)
  • B5 (5th Grade)
  • B6 (6th Grade)
  • B7 (7th Grade)
  • B8 (8th Grade)
  • G3 (3rd/4th Grade)
  • G2 (5th/6th Grade)
  • G1 (7th/8th Grade)

About The League

Calendar of Events

Tentative Dates (subject to change)

Thu, Jan. 16th: Registration opens
Fri, March 22nd:
Wait List registration opens (Head Coaches only and no Rookie Division buddy requests)

Sun, March 23rd: [Youth] Player Evaluations

Tue, March 25th – Fri, March 28th: [Youth] Team Drafts (Coaches only via Google Meet)

Tue, April 1st: Team Rosters and tentative Schedule release

Sun, April 6th: Week 1
Sun, April 13th: Week 2

Sun, April 20th: Easter (No Games)

Sun, April 27th: Week 3
Sun, May 4th: Week 4
Sun, May 11th: Week 5
Sun, May 18th: Week 6

Sun, May 26th: Memorial Day Weekend (No Games)

Sun, June 1st: Week 7

Sun, June 8th: Week 8 (if necessary)


SoCal Elite Sports prides itself on having the best youth basketball league in Orange County. What started out as a “Rookie League” for grades K–2nd has transformed into one of the largest youth basketball leagues in Orange County. After over 28 seasons, SoCal Elite has tailored its league to meet popular demands and has remained in tune with the ever-changing ways of basketball. Basketball is a dynamic sport in which trends, styles and rules are constantly being tweaked. The key to SoCal Elite’s success has been creating the most enjoyable experience possible for all players. Experienced staff members and coaches manage SoCal Elite’s operations, which leads to a more productive environment for players. Unlike most youth basketball organizations, SoCal Elite has four seasonal leagues in the spring, summer, fall and winter. This allows players to play year-round, if they so choose.

The Winter League is the prime time for youth basketball. During other seasons (spring, summer and fall), most youth players play multiple sports or have other obligations. As a result, our Spring/Summer/Fall Leagues are just 6-8 games on Sundays. The Spring/Summer/Fall Leagues are our off-season leagues and are primarily for those players who wish to play basketball games year-round. If you would like additional practice during our off-season leagues, please join our SoCal Elite Academy.

Our coaches are parent volunteers. Our staff members will assist any coaches who need help or who are coaching for the very first time.

All games are played at local IUSD / TUSD High School gyms, Concordia University, the Jewish Community Center (JCCOC) or at local community center gyms.

For our Rookie and Youth Divisions, equal participation for all players is guaranteed. Each player is guaranteed to play a minimum of 20 minutes per game.

For the Rookie Division, teams are formed by Division first then Schools/Areas. For the Youth Division, teams are formed by grade and through drafts after player evaluations.

SoCal Elite is always looking for volunteer basketball coaches for all seasonal leagues. If you are unable to, or do not want to, volunteer to help operate SoCal Elite’s basketball leagues efficiently, you are required to pay a ‘buyout fee’ to cover the cost of bringing on additional staff members.

Spring League

SoCal Elite’s Youth Basketball Spring League is a recreational league for all boys or girls, K–8th grade. The 2025 Spring League runs from March to June with 6-8 games. This league is for everyone: beginners, advanced and anyone in-between. SoCal Elite’s off-season leagues are for those players that wish to play past the primary basketball season (winter) and stay active.