Click on an update below to read more.
Wed, May 17th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
Spring League – Week 6 Update – End of Season
There have been a few changes to the schedule which were finalized today, May 17th. These changes were made to allow coaches that are coaching multiple teams to attend their games as we were unable to predict where each team would end up in the bracket after the 1st round of play. Please double check your brackets!
Youth League: Some divisions end May 21st while others on June 4th. Please make sure to check the brackets to make sure you know when and were your games will be. Multiple divisions have double headers so it is important to follow your bracket fully.
Rookie League: All teams ends June 4th.
Lamppost Pizza Party Coupons: Coaches for all divisions should make sure to collect your team’s Lamppost Pizza Party Coupon at the scoretable after your first game on May 21st.
Wed, May 10th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
Spring League – Week 5 Update – Schedule and Brackets
The schedule for the remainder of the season is now live! As a reminder most Youth League teams are playing this Sunday May 14th (Mother’s Day Weekend). This change was made due to limited gym time due to AP Testing and Gym Maintenance.
It is our recommendation to check the schedule on Fridays to make sure your game time/locations are correct.
Rookie League: Your schedule has been posted as usual.
Youth League (Boys 2nd Competitive, Boys and Girls 3rd-8th Grade) – Games now follow bracket play. For those of you with bracket play please make sure to review where your potential games will take place. Teams that win advance to the right while the teams that lose advance to the left.
How to view your brackets on mobile: At the bottom of the schedule is a section labeled Brackets. There is a small black box to click on to expand it to full screen above the standings section. As an example Boys 3rd has a B bracket so you can select your bracket in the drop down menu above the red circle. A screenshot can be found below.

Wed, May 3rd, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
Spring League – Week 4 Update – Schedule for May 7th
Thank you for your patience in getting the schedule out. Complications due to AP Testing and Gym Maintenance resulted in several changes. Schedule has been posted and your game times can be seen here:
There are no schedule or location requests.
As a reminder Youth League teams will be playing on May 14th. Similar to this past week we will be unable to work on the schedule until after games this Sunday as Youth League will enter bracket play. We need the scores in order to determine how best to build competitive brackets.
Thu, Apr. 27th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
Spring League – Week 3 Update – Schedule and Mother’s Day
This week we have had some last minute cancellations at various gyms due to AP testing and Gym Maintenance that extends through the remainder of the season. As a result there have been a few changes made to this weekends schedule. All teams should double check the schedule. Please note that we will try and get the schedule for May 7th up as soon as possible.
Overview of Changes:
1. Schedule for May 7th is currently disabled as we are making changes to the schedule
2. Youth League (3rd-8th grade) teams will have Games on Mothers Day (May 14th).
Thu, Apr. 20th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
Spring League – Week 2 Update – Schedules
We hope everyone was able to attend and enjoyed their first week of games. The schedule for weeks 3 and 4 is now live!
As a reminder schedules are not updated in TeamSnap so please make sure to review our schedule every week to verify the correct game times. There are no schedule or location requests.
Jerseys: At this point in time all players should have picked up their jerseys. If you have not done so apparel pickup would need to be done at our office during our regular business hours.
Address: 12 Mauchly Ste P Irvine 92618
Day: Tues – Fri
Time: 10:30a – 3:00p
Please note we are unable to deliver jerseys to your locations.
After this weekend (or Week 3 games) Players that are not wearing a jersey will receive a technical foul starting this weekend. This will result in 2 free throws per violation and possession of the ball to the opposing team.
Thu, Apr. 13th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League – Rookie League Format and What to Bring
There have been a few questions about the Rookie League and we wanted to provide some clarification.
Each week your team has a 90 minute time slot. Your teams Practice/Clinic starts promptly at the specific time on the schedule. Each player should try to arrive 10-15 minutes early so that our staff or your coach can start their practice on time.
Each teams game start time is roughly 30 minutes later. As an example if your team is scheduled at 11a you would have a practice/clinic from 11a – 11:30a followed immediately by a game.
All coaches are highly encouraged to participate in the SoCal Elite Staff led clinic for Week 1. We will always offer a clinic though teams may opt out.
What to bring:
1. SoCal Elite Reversible Jersey – The schedule reads as “Away” (Black) at “Home” (White). This means the team on top should arrive wearing black and the bottom team white
2. Basketball – Each player should bring their own pumped up basketball 27.5.” We do not have extra balls at locations.
3. Water
If you bring snacks please refrain from handing them out inside the gym.
Wed, Apr. 12th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League – Update 1 – Opening Weekend
There have been a few changes made to the schedule, please make sure to double check your game times for Week 1 and 2.
Make-Up Apparel Pickup
For those of you that ordered optional apparel (jersey, basketball, shirt, etc) makeup apparel pickup will take place this Saturday April 15th. You can verify if you ordered anything by checking your receipt.
Address: 12 Mauchly Ste P Irvine 92618
Day: Saturday April 15th
Time: 11:30a – 2:00p
Details: Enter through the front of the building – look for the SoCal Elite Sports Canopy
If you have not been contacted by your coach please let us know so we can follow up. Kindly check your spam folder before contacting us.
*Boys 6th and Boys 7th/8th please wait until Thursday as coaches just completed the draft last night*
Tues, Apr. 11th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League – Update 1 – Opening Weekend
We are excited to announce that opening tip off takes place this weekend, April 16th!
Rosters have been fully uploaded into TeamSnap and all players and coaches should have received an invitation. Additionally you can find your team by looking at rosters on the team page:
**Boys 6th and Boys 7th/8th have not been added to TeamSnap as the draft for those divisions takes place tonight. The team page will be updated by 10:00p. Please look for an invite tomorrow morning.**
Schedules (First 2 Weeks Only up through April 23rd) have been released. Please do not email us about time or location requests.
For up to date schedules please visit our website:
IMPORTANT! We are not using TeamSnap to schedule games. Please refer only to our website for game times. Schedules found in TeamSnap were not input by us and would not be updated in the event there is a schedule change.
Divisions with Double Headers: Please make sure to check the schedule each week to see if your team has a Double Header. Each week one team in these divisions will have an extra game.
Boys 3rd
Boys 4th
Boys 7th/8th
Girls 7th/8th
The easiest way to see your team game times is to click on your division and select your team in the Teams dropdown menu. Clicking on the blue arrow on the right will make the scheduler show only your games.
Future communication will be sent out through TeamSnap. Good luck this weekend!
Mon, Mar. 20th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League – Preseason Update 2 – Rookie League
Thank you for registering for the 2022-23 Spring League! We are excited to get the preseason underway.
All information regarding the preseason can be found on our page:
Apparel Pickup
Apparel pickup date will take place Saturday March 25th at the SoCal Elite Office.
Pickup Details
Address: 12 Mauchly, Ste P, Irvine, CA 92618
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Jersey Numbers: There are no number requests. Players will be given a random number.
Lines: Please be aware that there may be a line when picking up your ordered apparel. Please plan accordingly.
You may find your child in your division towards the bottom of the page to verify that your grade, gender, and ordered apparel is correct. If you have any issues please contact us immediately so we can update your registration.
Team Formation
Rookie League: Teams will be formed by April 12th
Calendar of Events:
Week 1 of games starts Sun April 16th.
Schedule: We cannot work on the schedule until after team formation. Reminder there are no location or schedule requests.
Mon, Mar. 20th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League – Preseason Update 2 – Youth League
Thank you for registering for the 2022-23 Spring League! We are excited to get the preseason underway with Evaluations this coming Sunday, Mar. 26th! Please do not email us to tell us if you cannot attend, we are able to see who isn’t able to attend.
Preseason page:
Please find your child in your division towards the bottom of the page to verify your child’s grade, gender, and ordered apparel is correct. If you have any issues please contact us immediately so we can update your registration.
Evaluations are for the Youth League and Boys 2nd Grade Competitive ONLY. Rookie League (K-2nd) players do not attend!
Evaluation Overview
Day: Sunday March 26th
Time: Please review the preseason page for your times
Location: Uni High School
Apparel Pickup: Apparel for players attending evaluations will be picked up during check in at location.
Team Formation
Youth League: We are currently in the process of reaching out to parent volunteers to identify coaches for each division. Drafts will take place between April 5th and April 11th. As a reminder there are no buddy or coach requests of any kind for the Youth League.
Calendar of Events:
Week 1 of games starts Sunday April 16th.
Reminder there are no location or schedule requests.
Mon, Mar. 6th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League – Preseason Update 1
Thank you for registering for the 2022-23 Spring League! We are excited to get the preseason underway.
After registration each member was emailed a receipt as well as an email from SoCal Elite Sports. Please make sure the grade and gender of your child is correct. If you have any issues please contact us immediately so we can update your registration.
Evaluations and Apparel Pickup
Evaluations for 2nd Grade Competitive and Youth League (3rd-8th) will take place on March 26th between 10:00a and 5:00p. More details will be released closer to the date. Players with ordered apparel will be able to pick up their items (jersey, ball, shirts, etc) at Evaluations.
Team Formation:
Rookie League: Teams will be formed by April 12th – we will have rosters published on our website
Youth League: We are currently in the process of reaching out to parent volunteers to identify coaches for each division. Drafts will take place between April 5th and April 11th.
Calendar of Events:
Week 1 of games starts April 16th
Reminder there are no location or schedule requests.
Fri, Jan. 13th, 2023 • Basketball Spring League
2023 Spring League Registration is Now Open
SoCal Elite’s Youth Basketball Spring League is a recreational league for all boys and girls in K–8th grade. The 2023 season runs from March – June with six games.
Spring League is for players who wish to play beyond the main Winter League and stay active with organized basketball through the spring. The League is for players of all skill and experience levels.