School Team Interest List - Basketball Spring League

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Tue, April 1st: Team Rosters and tentative Schedule release

Sun, April 6th: Week 1
Sun, April 13th: Week 2

Sun, April 20th: Easter (No Games)

Sun, April 27th: Week 3
Sun, May 4th: Week 4
Sun, May 11th: Week 5
Sun, May 18th: Week 6

Sun, May 26th: Memorial Day Weekend (No Games)

Sun, June 1st: Week 7

Sun, June 8th: Week 8 (if necessary)

2025 Basketball Spring League - School Team Interest List

Hi Coach!

Thank you for your interest in playing in our 2025 Basketball Spring League! This year we are excited to add school-based recreational teams to the mix.

Please complete the form below to confirm your interest in registering your school team.

School Team Agreement

  1. A school-based team must not be a seasonal club team – this is a recreational league.
  2. School teams must have 8-10 players.
  3. School teams must wear current SoCal Elite uniforms during competition.
  4. All teams will receive an email update of their status and rosters prior to the deadline.
  5. It is the coach’s responsibility to double-check and ensure all team members are correct.
  6. SoCal Elite Sports reserves the right to make changes throughout the season that we do not foresee.

If playing in the Preformed Division

  • Preformed Division games will not have a player participation rule. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • No players can be added to the preformed team after the registration deadline and before the draft.

If playing in a Youth Division

  • Youth Division games have player participation rules and all players must play at least 20 minutes per game.
  • If a preformed team wins against one of the division's top drafted teams by 20+ points, that team will be required to play their next game up an additional division (+2 grade levels).

Preformed Division Placement

  • Your School team will be placed in the Preformed Division of the oldest player on the team with other preformed teams. (4+ teams required)
  • In the event we do not have 4+ preformed teams, your team would play up one grade in the Preformed Division (if available) or the Youth Division.

Participation Rules

  • Teams in the preformed divisions and any team playing them will not have player participation rules. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • All playing time is determined by the coach.

Team Size

  • All school teams are required to have 8-10 players to be eligible to participate.
  • If a school team does not meet the required number of players, all players will be moved into the draft.

School Team Info

Preformed Team Registration - Basketball Spring League

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Tue, April 1st: Team Rosters and tentative Schedule release

Sun, April 6th: Week 1
Sun, April 13th: Week 2

Sun, April 20th: Easter (No Games)

Sun, April 27th: Week 3
Sun, May 4th: Week 4
Sun, May 11th: Week 5
Sun, May 18th: Week 6

Sun, May 26th: Memorial Day Weekend (No Games)

Sun, June 1st: Week 7

Sun, June 8th: Week 8 (if necessary)

2025 Basketball Spring League - Preformed Team Submission

Hi Coach!

Thank you for volunteering to be a Head Coach and registering a Preformed Team for this upcoming season. This registration will educate you on our policies and allow you to submit your roster.

Please do not complete this registration if you are not the Head Coach.

Preformed Teams Agreement

  1. A preformed team must not be a seasonal club team – this is a recreational league.
  2. Preformed teams must have 8-10 players.
  3. Preformed teams must wear current SoCal Elite uniforms during competition.
  4. Registration deadline for preformed teams is two weeks prior to the League's preseason player evaluations.
  5. All teams will receive an email update of their status and rosters prior to the deadline.
  6. It is the coach’s responsibility to double-check and ensure all team members are correct.
  7. SoCal Elite Sports reserves the right to make changes throughout the season that we do not foresee.

If playing in a Preformed Division

  • Preformed Division games will not have a player participation rule. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • No players can be added to the preformed team after the registration deadline and before the draft.

If playing in a Youth Division

  • Youth Division games have player participation rules and all players must play at least 20 minutes per game.
  • If a preformed team wins against one of the division's top drafted teams by 20+ points, that team will be required to play their next game up an additional division (+2 grade levels).

Preformed Division Placement

  • Preformed Division of the oldest player on the team with other preformed teams. (4+ teams required)
  • In the event we do not have 4+ preformed teams, your team would play up one grade in the Preformed Division (if available) or the Youth Division.

Participation Rules

  • Teams in the preformed divisions and any team playing them will not have player participation rules. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • All playing time is determined by the coach.

Team Size

  • All preformed teams are required to have 8-10 players to be eligible to participate.
  • If a preformed team does not meet the required number of players, all players will be moved into the draft.


  • Only the Head Coach may register as a volunteer during player registration.
  • All other preformed team members must pay the non-volunteer buyout fee.

Preformed Team Info

Preformed Team Roster

Player Registration - Basketball Spring Club League

2025 Basketball Spring Club League

April 6th – June 1st, 2025

  • For Copper / Bronze Club-level teams only
  • No gate fees or parking fees
  • High School-sized courts
  • Multi-team discounts available (contact us)
  • Boys: 3rd–8th grade divisions
  • Girls: 3rd–8th grade divisions
  • 6-8 Games: Sundays
  • Four, 10-minute quarters
  • Locations: Irvine & Tustin gyms

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Thu, Jan. 16th: Team registration opens
Thu, March 21st:
Wait List registration opens

Tue, April 1st: Schedule release

Sun, April 13th: Week 1

Sun, April 20th: Easter (No Games)

Sun, April 27th: Week 2
Sun, May 4th: Week 3
Sun, May 11th: Week 4
Sun, May 18th: Week 5

Sun, May 26th: Memorial Day Weekend (No Games)

Sun, June 1st: Week 6 – Playoffs

2025 Basketball Spring Club League - Player Registration

  • Player Info
  • Waivers

Player Info

Parent / Guardian Info


Sign Here


Please confirm all info below is correct before submitting. If not, hit the "Previous" button and fix the incorrect field.

Player Name:





Team Registration - Basketball Spring Club League

2025 Basketball Spring Club League

April 6th – June 1st, 2025

  • For Copper / Bronze Club-level teams only
  • No gate fees or parking fees
  • High School-sized courts
  • Multi-team discounts available (contact us)
  • Boys: 3rd–8th grade divisions
  • Girls: 3rd–8th grade divisions
  • 6-8 Games: Sundays
  • Four, 10-minute quarters
  • Locations: Irvine & Tustin gyms

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Thu, Jan. 16th: Team registration opens
Thu, March 21st:
Wait List registration opens

Tue, April 1st: Schedule release

Sun, April 13th: Week 1

Sun, April 20th: Easter (No Games)

Sun, April 27th: Week 2
Sun, May 4th: Week 3
Sun, May 11th: Week 4
Sun, May 18th: Week 5

Sun, May 26th: Memorial Day Weekend (No Games)

Sun, June 1st: Week 6 – Playoffs

2025 Basketball Spring Club League - Team Registration

Coach Info

Team Info

Team Roster

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4

Player 5

Player 6

Player 7

Player 8

Player 9

Player 10

Terms & Conditions

  • There are no refunds.
  • Team rosters will be verified one week before the season starts – ALL players must complete the player registration form.

Payment Info

Team Fee: $899
Flat Fee: $100
No payment items has been selected yet

Preformed Team Registration - Basketball Winter League

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Tue, Sep. 3rd: Registration opens
Fri, Nov. 8th: Registration closes

Sun, Nov. 10th: Player Evaluations
Nov. 19th – Nov. 27th: Team Drafts

Dec. 7th/8th: Week 1
Dec. 14th/15th: Week 2

Dec. 21st – Jan. 5th: No Games (Winter Break)

Jan. 11th/12th: Week 3

Jan. 20th & 21st: No Games (MLK)

Jan. 25th/26th: Week 4
Feb. 1st/2nd: Week 5
Feb. 8th/9th: Week 6
Feb. 15th/16th: Week 7
Feb. 22nd/23rd: Week 8

2024-25 Basketball Winter League - Preformed Team Submission

Hi Coach!

Thank you for volunteering to be a Head Coach and registering a Preformed Team for this upcoming season. This registration will educate you on our policies and allow you to submit your roster.

Please do not complete this registration if you are not the Head Coach.

Preformed Teams Agreement

  1. A preformed team must not be a seasonal club team – this is a recreational league.
  2. Preformed teams must have 8-10 players.
  3. Preformed teams must wear current SoCal Elite uniforms during competition.
  4. Registration deadline for preformed teams is two weeks prior to the League's preseason player evaluations.
  5. All teams will receive an email update of their status and rosters prior to the deadline.
  6. It is the coach’s responsibility to double-check and ensure all team members are correct.
  7. SoCal Elite Sports reserves the right to make changes throughout the season that we do not foresee.

If playing in a Preformed Division

  • Preformed Division games will not have a player participation rule. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • No players can be added to the preformed team after the registration deadline and before the draft.

If playing in a Youth Division

  • Youth Division games have player participation rules and all players must play at least 20 minutes per game.
  • If a preformed team wins against one of the division's top drafted teams by 20+ points, that team will be required to play their next game up an additional division (+2 grade levels).

Preformed Division Placement

  • Preformed Division of the oldest player on the team with other preformed teams. (4+ teams required)
  • In the event we do not have 4+ preformed teams, your team would play up one grade in the Preformed Division (if available) or the Youth Division.

Participation Rules

  • Teams in the preformed divisions and any team playing them will not have player participation rules. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • All playing time is determined by the coach.

Team Size

  • All preformed teams are required to have 8-10 players to be eligible to participate.
  • If a preformed team does not meet the required number of players, all players will be moved into the draft.


  • Only the Head Coach may register as a volunteer during player registration.
  • All other preformed team members must pay the non-volunteer buyout fee.

Preformed Team Info

Preformed Team Roster

Coach Registration - Basketball Winter League

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Tue, Sep. 3rd: Registration opens
Fri, Nov. 8th: Registration closes

Sun, Nov. 10th: Player Evaluations
Nov. 19th – Nov. 27th: Team Drafts

Dec. 7th/8th: Week 1
Dec. 14th/15th: Week 2

Dec. 21st – Jan. 5th: No Games (Winter Break)

Jan. 11th/12th: Week 3
Jan. 18th/19th: Week 4

Jan. 20th & 21st: No Games (MLK)

Jan. 25th/26th: Week 5
Feb. 1st/2nd: Week 6
Feb. 8th/9th: Week 7
Feb. 15th/16th: Week 8

2024-25 Basketball Winter League - Coach Registration

Hi Coach!

Thank you for volunteering to be a Head Coach or Co-Coach for SoCal Elite Sports. This registration is to receive a few extra details about your coaching experience.

You will need to register once per registered child.

Please do not complete this registration if you are not the designated Volunteer.

Coach Info

Team Drafts

  • Drafts will be held on Google Meet. We will share a master file with all coaches on Google Drive that coaches will be able to view but not edit.
  • To join the draft using Google Meet please make sure to copy the link on our coaches portal. We will send the link to all selected coaches prior to the draft. If you are using a phone you will need to download Google Meet. If you are on a desktop the link should take you straight to the draft.
  • You will need to log in to a Google account to access the draft.

Team Schedules

  • When building the schedule we will try to accommodate Head Coaches who are coaching multiple teams so they may attend all of their games. This may not be possible with all Co-Coaches.
  • There are no schedule requests.

Volunteer Roles

Head Coach

  • Responsible for consistently communicating with your team and coaching during your scheduled games.
  • Head Coaches will help the SoCal Elite Staff members with the practice clinic and manage their team.

Head Coach

  • Attend player evaluations and your division's virtual team draft via Google Meet.
  • Responsible for consistently communicating with your team and coaching during your scheduled games.
  • Coordinate at least one (1) outside practice per week.
  • If there are any issues with your team – such as players not showing up to practices or games, or any complaints regarding the league – we ask that you communicate with the league by emailing [email protected].


  • Not an assistant coach.
  • Co-Coaches will be paired up to split the duties of a Head Coach above.
  • The league will split volunteers up to balance the coaching experience as best as possible. Please note that there are no Co-Coach requests.
  • Coaches who cannot fulfill their role will be moved to the Wait List.

Changing from a Volunteer to a Non-Volunteer

  • If a coach decides to change from a volunteer to a non-volunteer their player will be moved to the bottom of the wait list.
  • Former volunteers' players will only be placed on a team if we have enough coaches in that division.


  • If you are selected to coach we will be creating a placeholder team for you in TeamSnap and attach you as a non-player using the provided volunteer email and cell phone.
  • Make sure that your volunteer email is your current active email! This is where you will receive your communication from us.
  • Team Name: Please do not change the names on TeamSnap. Changes will NOT be updated on the schedule.
  • Rostering: Once teams have been formed we will be import all players to TeamSnap as we utilize it as a communication platform. You can use TeamSnap as both an app or on your browser.
  • Messages: Allows you to send an email, chat notification or an alert. Alerts will send a push notification or a text message if your team members enable text notification. This is a powerful tool for communicating any urgent notifications.
  • Schedule: TeamSnap has its own scheduling platform. If you chose to use this please make sure your team knows they need to check the online schedule on the SoCal Elite Sports Website every Friday. We post the schedule on our website and any changes made are automatically updated there. Scheduling in TeamSnap should be used to track your teams attendance.
  • If you or a player wishes to add anyone they can do it via the app.
    • The account that was used to register the player needs to pull up the roster on the app.
    • Select their child and select "Add Family Member."
    • Enter the First and Last Name and their email address. They will have to accept the invitation.
Sign Here

Player Registration - Practice Players - Basketball Club

Basketball Club - Winter 2025 (Practice Players)

Player Info

Parent/Guardian Info

Payment Plan

Each team has a base cost associated to it to cover the cost of your Coach, tournaments and/or shootout fees, gym time, etc. Payments are structured around having full-time players per team.

Your spot on your team is not confirmed until after your 1st payment has been made.
  • Payment 1 (now): 1/3 of Club Fees + City of Irvine Facilities Fee
  • Payment 2 (one month from now): 1/3 of Club Fees
  • Payment 3 (two months from now): 1/3 of Club Fees
$261.21 for each month, for 3 installments
The City of Irvine charges $11 per participant to use facilities for the season.

View City Fee Document
* Amounts include processing fees.


Payment Method


Payment Summary

No payment items has been selected yet

Player Registration - Shootout Team - Basketball Club

Basketball Club - Winter 2025 (Shootout Teams)

Player Info

Parent/Guardian Info

Payment Plan

Each team has a base cost associated to it to cover the cost of your Coach, tournaments and/or shootout fees, gym time, etc. Payments are structured around having full-time players per team.

Your spot on your team is not confirmed your 1st payment has been made.
  • Payment 1 (now): 1/3 of Club Fees + City of Irvine Facilities Fee
  • Payment 2 (one month from now): 1/3 of Club Fees
  • Payment 3 (two months from now): 1/3 of Club Fees
$309.27 for each month, for 3 installments
The City of Irvine charges $11 per participant to use facilities for the season.

View City Fee Document
* Amounts include processing fees.


Payment Method


Payment Summary

No payment items has been selected yet

Player Registration - Tournament Team - Basketball Club

Basketball Club - Winter 2025 (Tournament Teams)

Player Info

Parent/Guardian Info

Payment Plan

Each team has a base cost associated to it to cover the cost of your Coach, tournaments and/or shootout fees, gym time, etc. Payments are structured around having full-time players per team.

Your spot on your team is not confirmed until your 1st payment is made.
  • Payment 1 (now): 1/3 of Club Fees + City of Irvine Facilities Fee
  • Payment 2 (one month from now): 1/3 of Club Fees
  • Payment 3 (two months from now): 1/3 of Club Fees
$336.74 for each month, for 3 installments
The City of Irvine charges $11 per participant to use facilities for the season.

View City Fee Document
* Amounts include processing fees.


Payment Method


Payment Summary

No payment items has been selected yet

Player Registration - Basketball Fall Prep Games (Youth)

2024 Basketball Fall Prep Games

Youth Divisions

  • Boys: 2nd–8th grade
  • Girls: 3rd–8th grade
  • Dates: Sat, Sep. 7 & Sun, Sep. 8
  • Times: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  • Location: University HS Gym
  • Hoops: 10 feet