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Register - Basketball Spring Break Camp

2024 Basketball Spring Break Camp

  • Dates: April 1st–4th, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 AM to Noon
  • Early drop-off: 8:30 AM
  • Boys & Girls: 2nd–8th grade only
  • Location: Northwood HS Gym

Player Registration - Basketball Spring League

2025 Basketball Spring League

  • Boys: K–8th grade divisions
  • Girls: K–8th grade divisions
  • Dates: March 23rd – June 1st, 2025
  • Seven Games: Sundays after 10 AM
  • Locations: Irvine & Tustin gyms



  • 8-ft hoops
  • Boys divisions: K & 1st Grade
  • Girls divisions: K–2nd (may be split up based on numbers for standalone or combo divisions)
  • Optional one (1) buddy or coach request
  • Six (6) Sunday sessions of Skills Training + Scrimmage (1.5 hours weekly)
  • Start times: Between 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (no schedule or location requests)


  • 10-ft hoops
  • Boys divisions: 2nd–8th grade
  • Girls divisions: 3rd–8th grade
  • No buddy, coach or carpool requests
  • 6-8 Sunday Games (1 hour weekly)
  • Start times: between 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (no schedule or location requests)

Calendar of Events

Tentative dates (subject to change)

Thu, Jan. 16th: Registration opens
Fri, March 22nd:
Wait List registration opens (Head Coaches only and no Rookie Division buddy requests)

Sun, March 23rd: [Youth] Player Evaluations

Tue, March 25th – Fri, March 28th: [Youth] Team Drafts (Coaches only via Google Meet)

Tue, April 1st: Team Rosters and tentative Schedule release

Sun, April 6th: Week 1
Sun, April 13th: Week 2

Sun, April 20th: Easter (No Games)

Sun, April 27th: Week 3
Sun, May 4th: Week 4
Sun, May 11th: Week 5
Sun, May 18th: Week 6

Sun, May 26th: Memorial Day Weekend (No Games)

Sun, June 1st: Week 7

Sun, June 8th: Week 8 (if necessary)

2025 Basketball Spring League - Player Registration

  • Player Info
  • League Info
  • Jersey & Apparel
  • Waivers & Payment

Please read through each question carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.

Player Info

Parent/Guardian Info

Spring League Info

Player Fee: $279

[Rookie] K–1st & Girls K–2nd Grade • 8-ft Hoops

  • Beginner players with instruction and pregame practices.
  • All games are played Sundays on 8-foot hoops.
  • Each player is guaranteed up to 20 minutes of playing time per game.
  • Practice + Game = 1.5 hours each Saturday (no outside commitment other than your 90-minute time slot).

[Youth] Boys 3rd–8th & Girls 3rd–8th Grade • 10-ft Hoops

  • Recreational players looking for equal playing time and varied skill levels.
  • All games are played Sundays after 10 AM on 10-foot hoops.
  • Each player is guaranteed up to 20 minutes of playing time per game.
  • Teams are drafted after preseason player evaluations.
  • 1-hour game slot and at least one (1) outside practice determined by the coach/team per week.
  • No Buddy or Carpool Requests of any kind.

[Youth] Boys 2nd Grade • 10-ft Hoops

No Buddy Requests

  • Recreational players with games on Sundays after 10 AM on 10-foot hoops.
  • 2nd Grade is typically one of our largest division with a wide range of experience and familiarity with basketball. In an effort to ensure that all players have a more competitive experience, there are no more buddy requests – instead teams will be formed through a draft.
  • Each player is guaranteed up to 20 minutes of playing time per game.
  • Teams are drafted after preseason player evaluations.
  • No Buddy or Carpool Requests of any kind.

2nd Grade is part of the Youth divisions

Players MUST attend evaluations on Sunday, March 23rd

  • Scorekeeping and standings throughout the season.
  • 1-hour game slot each Sunday with at least one (1) 60- to 90-minute outdoor practice led by your parent volunteer coach (determined by your coach/team) each week.


  • I understand my 2nd grader will be playing on 10-ft hoops and that parent volunteer coaches will be forming teams via a draft. I further understand that there are no buddy or coaching requests of any kind.
  • I also understand that my child must attend player evaluations on March 23rd.

Preseason Player Evaluations

  • Player Evaluations are an important part of our leagues and integral in building competitive teams.
  • Players who do not attend Evaluations will be automatically placed on the wait list.
    • They may only be placed on a team if we have enough parent volunteers in your child's division.
  • Evaluations will take place on Sunday, March 23rd (between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM). There are no makeup evaluations.
  • Each division will have a start and end time within that time frame.
  • Location: TBA (will be at an IUSD High School location)
  • Attending Evaluations is mandatory. Registered Parent Coaches need to be able to view all players to build competitive teams.

Team Drafts

  • After Evaluations, Youth divisions coaches will draft teams. Coaches will draft teams between March 25th–28th, and once your child is selected on a team, your respective coach will reach out to you directly. From there, teams may begin to hold practices.
  • Practice times and locations are determined by each coach/team with the head coach having the final say. We will not be able to inform you when your team is practicing. Team members should be prepared to practice and resolve any conflicts with their coach.
  • For League Integrity: We are unable to move players to a different team for any reason. This includes any practice time conflicts (most time slots are on weeknights between 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM).

Participation rules for 7th & 8th grade divisions

  • Participation rules will only be enforced in the first three (3) quarters. The 4th quarter coaches will be able to free substitution per the coaches discretion.
  • This means that we are not able to guarantee 20 minutes of playing time per game. There is a possibility that your child may not play in the 4th quarter.


Sibling Request

  • Siblings of the same grade and gender will automatically be placed on the same team.
  • To qualify, siblings must:
    1. Live in the same household (identical addresses). If addresses do not match your sibling request will not be honored.
    2. Register under the same email address.

Buddy Request

  • Buddy Requests are a way for Rookie divisions (TK–2nd grade) players to play together. Each participant is allowed up to ONE buddy or coach request.
  • If a group of players (2+) would like to form a team, one of them would need to volunteer as a Head Coach and all players must then enter the coach's name as their buddy request. In this instance, the coach would not make a buddy request since all the players are requesting him or her.

Player Buddy Request Criteria (all 4 conditions must be met):

  1. Same gender.
  2. Playing in the same division (grade).
  3. Both players request each other.
  4. Request the player's full name (e.g. John Doe).

Coach Buddy Request Criteria (all 6 conditions must be met):

  1. Same gender.
  2. Playing in the same division (grade).
  3. The coach requested must be registered as a Head Coach.
  4. Players requesting the Head Coach (non-coaching parents) should NOT also register as a Head Coach (only one (1) head coach per team).
  5. The team must have space – maximum team size allowed is eleven (11) players.
  6. Request the head coach's full name (e.g. Coach John Doe).

Volunteer Info

  • Recreational youth sports leagues function in large part due to the work of parent volunteers. To build teams, each team will need a volunteer coach.
  • We can only build as many teams as we have volunteer coaches per division.
  • In the event we do not have enough coaches, we will move players to a wait list based on their registration date.
  • Youth League Only: Head Coaches who are selected and fulfill their required duties will receive $100 in SoCal Elite Credit for their child at the end of the season.
  • Please note: A $59 payment will be added and charged if the following required duties go unfulfilled or your volunteer status changes by the second week of league play.
  • Volunteer coaches who do not fulfill duties or change volunteer status after registration will be moved to the bottom of the wait list.
  • Please note: An additional $20 payment will be added and charged if the following duties go unfulfilled or your volunteer status changes by the second week of league play.
  • Volunteer coaches who do not fulfill duties or change volunteer status after registration will be moved to the bottom of the wait list.

Head Coach Role & Responsibilities

  1. Youth divisions only: Attend player evaluations and your division's virtual team draft via Google Meet.
  2. Manage a team as a parent volunteer for the full season.
  3. Responsible for consistently communicating with your team and coaching during scheduled games.
  4. Youth divisions only: Coordinate and hold at least one (1) outside practice per week.

Co-Coach Role & Responsibilities

  1. Not an assistant coach.
  2. Co-Coaches will be paired up to split the duties of a Head Coach.
  3. Once drafted to a team, you must help manage the team and fill in if a co-coach is unable to attend a game.

Non-Volunteer (buyout)

  1. Youth Sports require parent volunteers to form teams, so please consider volunteering if you are able to. We are only able to build as many teams as we have parent volunteers for.
  2. Volunteer buyout fees help cover the costs of required background checks for coaches. 

Volunteer Registration

Head Coach Duties Fulfillment Status

  • By agreeing to volunteer as a Head Coach, your non-volunteer buyout fee ($59) will be waived and you will receive a refund or future credit for your child's player fee after the second week of play as long as the following steps are completed:
      1. Complete the volunteer Coach Registration.
      2. Agree to coach your team for the full season (games and practices), if selected as a coach.
      3. Youth divisions only: Attend your division's player evaluations and team draft.
      4. Communicate weekly with your team.
      5. Manage your team during games and practices.
      6. Youth divisions only: Hold at least one outdoor practice each week.

Co-Coach Duties Fulfillment Status

  • By agreeing to volunteer as a Co-Coach, your remaining non-volunteer buyout fee ($39) will be waived as long as the following steps are completed:
      1. Complete the volunteer Coach Registration.
      2. Agree to co-coach your team for the full season (games and practices) if selected as a co-coach.
      3. Youth divisions only: Attend your division's player evaluations and team draft.
      4. Communicate weekly with your team.
      5. Manage your team during games and practices.
      6. Youth divisions only: Hold at least one outdoor practice each week.

Changing from a Volunteer to a Non-Volunteer

  • If a coach decides to change from a volunteer to a non-volunteer, the registered player will be moved to the bottom of the wait list.
  • Former volunteer's child will only be placed on a team if we have enough coaches in that particular division.

Preformed Teams

  • Head Coaches in the Youth divisions are able to submit preformed teams pending approval by SoCal Elite.
  • Preformed teams are pre-built teams with a Head Coach already designated. Submitted roster players are removed from the drafting pool, and players must agree to play on the same team prior to registering.
  • Preformed teams will play in the Preformed Division (if there are 4+ preformed teams) OR the Youth Division equivalent of the oldest player on their team, plus one grade. (Example: A preformed team of 3rd graders would play in the 4th grade Youth division)
  • Preformed teams must have a roster of 8-10 players. If a preformed team only has 5-7 players, the head coach must attend their grade division's draft to complete the roster.

Preformed Teams Overview

  1. A preformed team must not be a seasonal club team – this is a recreational league.
  2. Preformed teams must have 8-10 players.
  3. Preformed teams must wear current SoCal Elite uniforms during competition.
  4. Registration deadline for preformed teams is two weeks prior to preseason player evaluations. If the submitted roster is not complete, the coach must attend the draft to complete their roster.
  5. All teams will receive an email update of their status and rosters prior to the deadline.
  6. It is the coach’s responsibility to double-check and ensure all team members are correct.
  7. SoCal Elite Sports reserves the right to make changes throughout the season that we do not foresee.

If playing in a Preformed Division

  • Preformed Division games will not have a player participation rule. This means there are free substitutions with players checking in at the scorer's table.
  • No players can be added to the preformed team after the registration deadline and before the draft.

If playing in a Youth Division

  • Youth Division games have player participation rules and all players must play at least 20 minutes per game.
  • If a preformed team wins against one of the division's top drafted teams by 20+ points, that team will be required to play their next game up an additional division (+2 grade levels).

SoCal Elite Jersey

SoCal Elite Apparel

Would you like to purchase additional basketball apparel?

Ship to Home Address: $5
Ship to Home Address: $5

City of Irvine Facilities Use

The City of Irvine charges $11 per participant to use facilities for the season.

View City Fee Document

City of Irvine Facilities Use Fee: $11


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Payment Method

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SoCal Elite Sports Waiver

On behalf of my minor child, I hereby apply for his/her participation in SoCal Elite Sports Inc. and to induce SoCal Elite Sports Inc. to accept this application. I hereby warrant that both myself and my child are familiar with the risks associated with participation in an active sport such as basketball/volleyball; furthermore, I warrant that my child is in good health, has no condition or defect which would interfere with his/her participation. In short, my child is active, in good health, and anxious to play basketball/volleyball. I do hereby agree and consent to my child’s participation in SoCal Elite Sports Inc. during work-outs, and also assume all risks and hazards which are incidental to the conduct of the activities. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless SoCal Elite Sports Inc., its officers, directors, employees, agents and any of them, their sponsors, organizers, and supervisors of any and all liability or damage, injury, or expense of any kind arising out of, or connected with, my child’s participation in SoCal Elite Sports Inc. I am hereby informed that all rostered players are covered by an insurance policy in case of accident or medical emergency while participating in an activity sponsored by SoCal Elite Sports Inc. I further understand that in case of a medical emergency, my own personal medical plan, if I have one, will be used prior to the insurance provided through SoCal Elite Sports Inc. If I do not have a personal plan, the above insurance will take effect immediately. Participation in competitive athletics may result in serious injury. It is impossible to TOTALLY eliminate such occurrences from competitive sports. Players can reduce the risk of serious injury by obeying safety rules, following a proper conditioning program, and maintaining their equipment properly. EVEN IF ALL THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET, AND EVEN IF THE ATHLETE IS IN EXCELLENT PHYSICAL CONDITION WITH PERFECT EQUIPMENT, SERIOUS ACCIDENT MAY STILL OCCUR. AS A CONDITION OF PARTICIPATION IN THE SoCal Elite Sports Program. If the above named person needs emergency medical treatment and neither the parent nor the family physician can be contacted, consent is hereby granted for such emergency treatment as may be considered necessary in the opinion of the attending physician. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I READ THIS CONSENT FORM AND KNOWINGLY, ON BEHALF OF MY CHILD, ASSUME ALL THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH PARTICIPATING IN ANY WAY IN THE SoCal Elite Sports Program.

Zero Tolerance Policy

All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referees. Failure to do so will undermine the referee’s authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referees, and all the other participants and spectators.

Consequently, SoCal Elite Sports has adopted and modified the following rules:

1. No one, except the players/coaches, is to speak to the referee during or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game and time-outs, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referees if addressed.

2. No disputing calls, remarks to the referees, yelling/harassment towards the referees.

3. Violators may be ejected from the court and are subject to disciplinary action by the SoCal Elite Sports Sportsmanship Review Committee.

If coaches or spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please contact referee’s coordinator for the game in question, or contact the program director.

Media Release Policy

As a member of SoCal Elite’s programs, I hereby authorize and consent to the use of my child’s name and visual image by the State of California for appropriate purposes, including but not limited to: still photography, video, social media, electronic and print publications, marketing and websites. I give this consent with no claim for payment.


Parent Code of Conduct

We, SoCal-Elite Sports, have implemented the following Sport Parent Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper role of parents in supporting their child in basketball. Parents should read, understand and sign this form prior to their children participating in our club program.

Any parent guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the sports facility. Repeat violations may cause game suspensions, or the removal of your child from our program.


The essential elements of character building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles:

Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Good Citizenship

The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character.”

I therefore agree:  I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.

I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.

I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.

I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other sporting event.

I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures.

I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the athletes.

I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.

I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.

I will promote the emotional and physical wellbeing of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.

I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.

I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all sports events.

Zero Tolerance Policy

All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referees. Failure to do so will undermine the referee’s authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referees, and all the other participants and spectators.

Consequently, SoCal Elite Sports has adopted and modified the following rules:

1. No one, except the players/coaches, is to speak to the referee during or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game and time-outs, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referees if addressed.

2. No disputing calls, remarks to the referees, yelling/harassment towards the referees.

3. Violators may be ejected from the court and are subject to disciplinary action by the SoCal Elite Sports Sportsmanship Review Committee.

If coaches or spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please contact referee’s coordinator for the game in question, or contact the program director.

Media Release Policy

As a member of SoCal Elite’s programs, I hereby authorize and consent to the use of my child’s name and visual image by the State of California for appropriate purposes, including but not limited to: still photography, video, social media, electronic and print publications, marketing and websites. I give this consent with no claim for payment.


HEADS UP Concussion Waiver

This sheet has information to help protect your children or teens from concussion or other serious brain injury. Use this information at your children’s or teens’ games and practices to learn how to spot a concussion and what to do if a concussion occurs.

What Is a Concussion?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. This fast movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging the brain cells.

How Can I Help Keep My Children or Teens Safe?

Sports are a great way for children and teens to stay healthy and can help them do well in school. To help lower your children’s or teens’ chances of getting a concussion or other serious brain injury, you should:

  • Help create a culture of safety for the team.
  • Work with their coach to teach ways to lower the chances of getting a concussion.
  • Talk with your children or teens about concussion and ask if they have concerns about reporting a concussion. Talk with them about their concerns; emphasize the importance of reporting concussions and taking time to recover from one.
  • Ensure that they follow their coach’s rules for safety and the rules of the sport.

Tell your children or teens that you expect them to practice good sportsmanship at all times.
When appropriate for the sport or activity, teach your children or teens that they must wear a helmet to lower the chances of the most serious types of brain or head injury. However, there is no “concussion-proof” helmet. So, even with a helmet, it is important for children and teens to avoid hits to the head.

How Can I Spot a Possible Concussion?

Children and teens who show or report one or more of the signs and symptoms listed below—or simply say they just “don’t feel right” after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body—may have a concussion or other serious brain injury.

Signs Observed by Parents or Coaches

  • Appears dazed or stunned.
  • Forgets an instruction, is confused about an assignment or position, or is unsure of the game, score, or opponent.
  • Moves clumsily.
  • Answers questions slowly.
  • Loses consciousness (even briefly).
  • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes.
  • Can’t recall events prior to or after a hit or fall.

Symptoms Reported by Children and Teens

  • Headache or “pressure” in head.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision.
  • Bothered by light or noise.
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.
  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems.
  • Just not “feeling right,” or “feeling down.”

Talk with your children and teens about concussion. Tell them to report their concussion symptoms to you and their coach right away. Some children and teens think concussions aren’t serious or worry that if they report a concussion they will lose their position on the team or look weak. Be sure to remind them that it’s better to miss one game than the whole season.

Concussions affect each child and teen differently. While most children and teens with a concussion feel better within a couple of weeks, some will have symptoms for months or longer. Talk with your children’s or teens’ health care provider if their concussion symptoms do not go away or if they get worse after they return to their regular activities.

What Are Some More Serious Danger Signs to Look Out For?

In rare cases, a dangerous collection of blood (hematoma) may form on the brain after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body and can squeeze the brain against the skull. Call 9-1-1 or take your child or teen to the emergency department right away if, after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, he or she has one or more of these danger signs:

  • One pupil larger than the other.
  • Drowsiness or inability to wake up.
  • A headache that gets worse and does not go away.
  • Slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination.
  • Repeated vomiting or nausea, convulsions or seizures (shaking or twitching).
  • Unusual behavior, increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation.
  • Loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out). Even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously.

Children and teens who continue to play while having concussion symptoms or who return to play too soon—while the brain is still healing— have a greater chance of getting another concussion. A repeat concussion that occurs while the brain is still healing from the injury can be very serious and can affect a child or teen for a lifetime. It can even be fatal.

What Should I Do If My Child or Teen Has a Possible Concussion?

As a parent, if you think your child or teen may have a concussion, you should:

  • Remove your child or teen from play.
  • Keep your child or teen out of play the day of the injury. Your child or teen should be seen by a health care provider and only return to play with permission from a health care provider who is experienced in evaluating for concussion.
  • Ask your child’s or teen’s health care provider for written instructions on helping your child or teen return to school. You can give the instructions to your child’s or teen’s school nurse and teacher(s) and return-to-play instructions to the coach and/or athletic trainer.
  • Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Only a health care provider should assess a child or teen for a possible concussion. Concussion signs and symptoms often show up soon after the injury. But you may not know how serious the concussion is at rest, and some symptoms may not show up for hours or days. The brain needs time to heal after a concussion. A child’s or teen’s return to school and sports should be a gradual process that is carefully managed and monitored by a health care provider.

To learn more, go to

COVID-19 Waiver

For and in consideration of the undersigned participant’s registration with SoCal Elite Sports (“Organization”) and being allowed to participate in events and member activities (“Activity” and “Activities”), participant and the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of participant waive, release and relinquish any and all claims for liability and cause(s) of action, including, but not limited to, for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to participant or participant’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) arising out of participation in Camp events, the sport of basketball, and/or Activities incidental thereto, whenever or however they occur and for such period said Activities may continue, and by this agreement any such claims, rights, and causes of action that participant and/or participant’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may have are hereby waived, released and relinquished, and participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) do so on behalf of their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks Regarding COVID-19

Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge that, given the contagious nature of COVID-19, there are certain inherent risks and dangers in participating in Activities, whether as a participant or a spectator, which cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the Activities. Individuals who participate in any Activity will be in close proximity to others, including, but not limited to, other participants, coaches, employees, volunteers, event hosts, other parents and legal guardians, and family members of other participants. While participating in these Activities, the participant will be in close physical proximity and engage in physical contact with others, including, but not limited to, other participants. Volleyball is a limited contact sport and the nature of the Activities prevents participants from maintaining a six feet distance from others.

Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) represent that the minor participant is in good health and in the proper physical condition to participate in the Activities. Participation in the Activities carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries and the contagious nature of COVID-19. The specific risks may include, but are not limited to: 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains; 2) major injuries such as broken bones, strains, joint or back injury, concussions and infection or illness related to COVID-19 or any other infectious diseases; and 3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death. The undersigned fully understands that the risks involved may be caused by his/her or the minor participant’s own actions, those of other participants, the conditions in which the Activities take place, or the negligence of the Releasees named in this Agreement. Further, it is understood that there may be other risk either not known to participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) or not readily foreseeable at this time. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibilities for losses, costs, and damages incurred as a result of participation in the Activities.

Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) further acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending the SoCal Elite Sports events and Activities, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is a contagious disease thought to be spread mainly from person-to-person. Although the Organization will put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, it cannot guarantee that the participant and/or participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will not come in contact with or become infected with COVID-19 or any other infectious diseases. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at SoCal Elite Sports may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of participant and participant’s

parent(s)/guardian(s) or others, including, but not limited to, the Organization, its affiliates, members, event hosts, other participants, other parents and legal guardians, coaches, officials, sponsors, advertisers, owners and operators of the premises used to conduct any event and each of them, their officers, directors, agents and employees (collectively, “Releasees”).

Release and Indemnity

Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) may experience or incur in connection with participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) attendance at SoCal Elite Sports or participation in the Activities.

Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) hereby release, hold harmless and agree not to sue SoCal Elite Sports, its affiliates, members, event hosts, other participants, other parents and legal guardians, coaches, officials, sponsors, advertisers, owners and operators of the premises used to conduct any event and each of them, their officers, directors, agents and employees (“Releasees”). With respect to any and all claims of injury, disability, death or other liabilities and loss of damage to person or property, asserted by or on behalf of participant or by parents or guardians, resulting directly or indirectly, from participating in Activities or the use of its equipment or facilities.

This release includes injury, loss or damage caused or claimed to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of SoCal Elite Sports and its agents. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) understand their rights are surrendered to make any claim or file a lawsuit against the Organization and/or agents for personal injury, property damage, wrongful death, breach of warranty or contract, or under any other legal theory, except in cases in intentional wrongs or the gross negligence of the Organization and/or its agents. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) understand and agree that this release includes any claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of SoCal Elite Sports and/or its agents, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in the Activities.

Medical Waiver

In the event of injury or illness while participant and/or participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) are engaged in any Activities, participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) authorize the Organization to consent to medical treatment on behalf of participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) as deemed necessary.

Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) hereby authorize SoCal Elite Sports and its officers, employees and agents, into whose care participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) has been entrusted, to consent to the advice of trained emergency personnel. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) understand and agree that participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) are advised to obtain health insurance coverage prior to participation in any Activity and that participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) will be responsible for any medical expenses arising out of any injury or claim arising out of Activity participation.

This release shall be binding to the fullest extent permitted by law. If any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining terms shall be enforceable. This agreement will be interpreted and

construed according to the laws of the State of California, and in the event of any legal action relating to this agreement or any of the subject matter covered by it, such legal action will be initiated, maintained and decided only in Orange County, California. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge that they have been provided and have read the above paragraphs and have not relied upon any representations of Releasees, that they are fully advised of the potential dangers of basketball and the contagious nature of COVID-19 and understand these waivers and releases are necessary to allow the Activities of the Organization to exist in its present form.

By signing below the Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) acknowledge all of the above. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) understand and voluntarily agree to the terms above, which shall be binding upon them, their heirs, estate, executors and administrators. The parent or guardian confirms that they have the authority to make this commitment. Participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) fully understand that with this assumption of risk, release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement, that the participant and participant’s parent(s)/guardian(s is giving up substantial rights in connection therewith, and that its terms are contractual, and not a mere recital. The undersigned acknowledge that he/she is signing this agreement freely and voluntarily.

Basketball Club Attendance Policy

Commitment of each player and their attendance is extremely important to the success of our club teams. This also allows our coaches to plan their team practices and tournament plays accordingly.

Expectations & Guidelines

All team practices are mandatory and attendance will be noted.

Participation in weekly assigned Academy clinics are also mandatory.

Excused absences are: illness, injury, school and religious commitments and planned vacations.

Vacation absences must be communicated to your coach and team parent in advance and not the day of.

All absences from practice need to be communicated via TeamSnap. If it’s not on TeamSnap, it will be considered that proper notification was NOT given.

If practice time is changed from the normal scheduled time on short notice, the player will not be penalized, as this is SoCal Elite’s fault. Families can’t be expected to juggle their schedules on such short notice.


For each unexcused missed team practice, player will not be played for the first half of the next tournament game.

For each unexcused missed game during a tournament, player will not be played for the rest of the day.

For each unexcused missed tournament, player will not be played on the next tournament.

Several unexcused missed team practices and/or tournaments may result in the recommendation that the player be removed from the club.

Practice Players: For two consecutive unexcused missed team practice or noted pattern of absences or tardiness, the coach may re-­evaluate the player’s benefit to the team and said player may be subject to removal from club practices.

Register - Basketball Holiday Game Camp

2024 Basketball Holiday Team Camp

  • Dates: Dec. 27th–29th, 2024
  • Time: 8:30 to 11:30 AM
  • Early drop-off: 8:00 AM
  • Boys & Girls: 3rd–8th grade only
  • Location: New Horizon Irvine Community Center Gym

Academy to Academy League

Hi Members,

Our current SoCal Elite Weekly Basketball Academy that you know and love will soon be evolving into a new program: The Academy League!

Starting September 7th, we will be restructuring The Academy to incorporate games once a month. This means The Academy League will consist of at least three (3) sessions of lessons and fundamentals practice and one (1) session of structured games per month. Game days will incorporate specific in-game scenarios.

Please note: Members will need to have a SoCal Elite reversible black & white jersey to participate during game days. If you need one, please indicate when completing the form below.

Effective the week of September 7th we are moving the Academy at Las Lomas (Outdoor) to University High School (Indoor). Pricing will not change.

ALL members must complete and fill out this form as soon as possible:

Overview of Changes:

1. Active Memberships – We greatly appreciate your support and commitment to our Academy program. Any active membership is transferable to a new location.

2. Class Length – Starting September 7th, all Academy classes will change to 1-hour weekly sessions. Start times will change as classes will be offered in hour intervals:

  • Venado Tuesday/Thursday: 4:00 PM (Rookie), 5:00 PM (Beginner) or 6:00 PM (Intermediate)
  • Lakeside Tuesday/Thursday: 4:00 PM (Beginner), 5:00 PM (Intermediate) or 6:00 PM (Advanced)
  • Beckman Wednesday: 4:00 PM Rookie, Beginner & Intermediate
  • Beckman Wednesday: 5:00 PM Rookie, Beginner & Intermediate
  • Beckman Wednesday: 6:00 PM Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced
  • New Horizon Tuesday: 5:00 PM (Beginner) or 6:00 PM (Intermediate) – Indoor
  • University HS Sunday: 5:00 PM (Beginner) or 6:00 PM (Intermediate) – Indoor

3. Jersey (GAME DAYS ONLY) – Any SoCal Elite reversible white & black jersey will be allowed. If a member needs a jersey, they will simply need to indicate so on the above link form.

SoCal Elite Sports

Starting Friday 9/3 (September 3rd) we will begin to make changes. When migrating your membership to the new program TeamUp will notify you about cancelling or purchasing a new membership or joining new classes. Please disregard these as we are simply preparing your account for the changes taking place.


Youth Basketball & Volleyball

SoCal Elite provides year-round youth basketball and volleyball programs for all ages & skill levels.

Committed to serving the community, our sports programs are professionally managed to help children stay active, improve skills, and most importantly, have fun!

Current ProgramsOur Mission


My son has attended the SoCal Elite volleyball program for around a year and has enjoyed every minute of it. He started off in the summer program and eventually worked his way up to the Intermediate Plus weekly class. His coaching has helped my son learn and advance quickly. We really appreciate Coach Tommy’s communication with us regarding updates on the classes and overall, it has been a really great experience.

Jill S. Parent

We've had an excellent experience with SoCal Elite Sports – both in the regular league and on the travel team. What impressed our family about this league is the level of organization, commitment and training that our son receives. We have played in other basketball leagues locally and have found this one to be much more rigorous and with a higher degree of training. We are especially impressed with the caliber of coaches that they have recruited for the travel teams. Our kids are coached by coaches who coach at the competitive high school level, and bring a great deal of passion and educational skills to the game. We love this league!!!

Sheila Parent

SoCal Elite is providing a higher level basketball that previously could not be found in Irvine. The upsides: lower costs, high level professional coaching, tournament experience, great/fun practices, very competitive and an organization that cares about its athletes. This is my sons second full season with SoCal Elite and we have been very pleased with our experience.

Mayra Parent

SoCal Elite has it all. Whether you're looking for a rec league, a camp, weekly training or a club team, SoCal Elite has it covered. My son has been playing in SoCal Elite since kinder and started with the parent-coached rec league. That was was a great time coaching his teams for several years and seeing his growth as a player. So if you're looking for a great way to bond with your kid, SoCal Elite has it.

Rob S. Parent

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